National Youth Science Forum Applications Now Open

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"The NYSF was life changing. When my teacher first brought it to our class, I dismissed it and thought nothing of it. However, my teacher sent me an email strongly recommending me to partake in the program. Again, I still thought very little of it, however my parents encouraged me to go, and from this, I can say it was one of the best, if not the best experience of my life. The people you meet and the things you do, it’s just not possible for this to happen outside of a program such as the NYSF."

– Brandon, NYSF 2018 participant 

After the highly successful expansion of the National Youth Science Forum Year 12 Program in 2018, there will again be up to 600 places available in 2019.

Attending National Youth Science Forum is a unique opportunity for Australian students interested in science and technology.  

Applications are now open to students currently in year 11. While at the National Youth Science Forum,  participants will experience 12 days of science and technology related activities, designed to encourage them to continue to study in these fields, and move on to careers that are so important for Australia’s future. 

In 2019, the program will run at the following dates and locations: 

Session A – Wed 2 – Sun 13, January 2019 – The Australian National University, Canberra

Session B – Wed 9 – Sun 20, January 2019 – The University of Queensland, Brisbane

Session C – Wed 16 – Sun 27, January 2019 – The Australian National University, Canberra

Application Process

We have developed a step-by-step guide outlining the application process for students.  You can download a copy of the chart above to give to students and/or schools.

Application Process Step By Step Guide - Download

Students are required to submit an application through the NYSF website There is a $60 application fee associated with applying, which covers the administrative cost of the NYSF selection process. This is non-refundable,  this fee is payable after the student receives confirmation of endorsement from Mawson Lakes Rotary Club.

Students must submit their application, including the Rotary Endorsement Form (click on link below to access the form), by 31 May 2018. 

Rotary Endorsement Form - Download

Program Fee 

The fee to attend the NYSF Year 12 Program in 2019 is $3,150. The Mawson Lakes Rotary Club will provide financial assistance to one or more local students.  There is a selection process at club and district level, and we will discuss financial arrangements when thta process is complete.

There is further funding assistance available, see below. 

Funding Assistance

NYSF has launched an Equity Scholarship Fund to provide up to thirty (30) scholarships in 2019 valued at $1000 each. The NYSF Equity Scholarship is designed to assist participants from low socio-economic and/or other disadvantaged backgrounds to attend the NYSF Year 12 Program. The Scholarship is allocated as a reduction in the Program Fee ($3,150 for January 2019), rather than being paid directly to the successful candidate or club. We encourage you to promote this scholarship to all eligible students. Further details can be found at the link below or you can contact for an information sheet.

Equity Scholarship - Read More

Further funding may also be available through an Australian Government program–the “Inspiring Australia–Science Engagement Programme”. Further information is available by clicking on the link below. Please note that at the time of writing this letter, applications for this funding are closed. Should they open again in the new financial year, students selected for the NYSF may apply. The funding is currently not available to individuals–only organisations, such as Rotary. Please direct any questions about this funding to the relevant government department as noted on their information. 

Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme - Read More

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