Rotary Youth Driver Awareness program (RYDA)


RYDA is a series of practical and powerful workshops that aim to change the way young people think about road safety. As part of an interactive one-day experience, students experience braking at different speeds, devise travel strategies that will work for them in the real world and get tips from road safety experts on how to protect themselves, their friends and family. Perhaps the most impactful moments come from the personal stories of loss and survival.

In one session, students watch a powerful and emotional video on the life and tragic death of and 18 year old provisional driver and her best friend. And in another, they sit with a crash survivor and hear first-hand how one poor choice can change a life forever.

Learn more here.

The Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes  raises funds to sponsor several hundred northern suburbs year 10 students each year to attend this program.   


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